

chasing squirrels

I try to take a walk or two every day. I picked up this book called the Mayo Clinic on back pain at a church rummage sale and the main thing I took away from it was the statement ... walking is the best thing you can do to prevent/manage back pain. A simple statement. But for whatever reason, after reading dozens upon dozens of books about stretching, yoga, living with pain, etc. etc, that is the statement that has made the most impact on me. I've lived with chronic back pain since taking a bad fall in my early 20s and it has gotten worse with time. The last couple of years it became so bad that I had weeks where I couldn't move without assistance.

It took me forever to finally reach a point where I've accepted the fact that my back isn't going to stop hurting but it can become much more user friendly if I do two things. Walk and stretch. Duh ... right?? Well I did those things before but not religiously and without fail. Now for the last year I do, and guess what?? Back pain is not at all gone but it is so much less and when I feel the signs of a doozy back pain starting I stretch and walk even more and knock on wood, I haven't had one of my "can't walk for weeks" attacks since I began this routine a year and a half ago. Of course everyone's situation and backs are unique so this isn't medical advice it's just my personal experience.

I won't walk at night alone but if I take a daytime walk I like to bring along my camera to keep me company. I often wonder if the neighbors see me chasing after squirrels to get a good photo and think "there's that weird walker/squirrel chaser again." I don't listen to music because I'm afraid to wear earbuds while walking. I'm not an overly fearful person but the idea of not hearing someone come up from behind kind of spooks me. So that leaves visual stimulation for me. I know some of you would be totally fine with silence and nature but I'm just not one of those people.... not yet anyway. I like to look for fun things to take pictures of to keep my mind and imagination stimulated. I'll work on the just being zen in the future!

I'm not a good photographer but think that the more shots I take, the better chance I'll have to learn something eventually. And it's fun. On my list of things I'd love to do in the future is take a photography class. Who knows maybe in 2013 I'll do it. Here are a few of the snaps I took on my walk the other day.
I have a thing for squirrels. I could watch them for hours. They are so active and animated. I'll probably be one of those old ladies that sits in her chair with her crippled back and watches the squirrels for hours outside of her big picture window. I'll have a youngster put out healthy squirrel treats to attract them to my patio.
As I tiptoe around the property lines of my neighbors looking for pretty branches to photograph I wonder if they see me thru their windows. If they do, what do they think??
Of course you know that to get this shot I had to get down on my knees and then hunch down even further. Like some crazy stretch I do at home, only this time with camera in hand, in public, and in front of some random strangers house. Do you think that stops me .... uhhh no.
The cutest pink tree you ever did see. Just seeing if you're paying attention! But I wish this tree really were pink because that would make my walk REALLY exciting.
This is a good example of why I need a good macro lens. Hello Santa... are you listening?? Tried to capture the bee .... not so good, but at least I didn't get stung so considering this one a success.
This scenario went like this ... I ask husband if he can help me with project. He says what is it. I say just come outside. He sighs with a smile on his face and just shakes his head and obliges. I then lead him to a pile of leaves and say please grab some of these and throw them in the air. He says, why does this not surprise me. I smile and say ... just do it. He does it and I spastically try to get under them and get my camera to fire at the same time. I just had to see if I could get a good action shot of leaves falling. It didn't turn out that great but it sure was fun getting the husband to do it like 6 or 7 times.

So if you live near me and you see me doing some crazy stuff in front of your house, don't call the cops, I'm basically harmless.


  1. Great post -- don't feel bad, I love to take pictures of fall leaves. Last year, I was stopped in front of a house, clicking away and a man drove up and asked if he could help me. I then realized that I must have looked rather odd -- hanging out of my car window with my camera! He was a neighborhood watch leader and I assured him that I was only photographing the fall foliage! We both got a chuckle. Regarding the back pain, I know that walking is the simplest -- free thing to do for back pain. I have also had wonderful success with acupuncture. I must admit however, that I am fortunate to live in LA and found an amazing acupucturist who not only is an MD that only practices acupuncture, but is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and comes from a family of them that goes back over 500 years. His treatments are amazing!! Good luck with your back, blog and business!!

    1. Hi Leslie! Thanks for sharing your experience with acupuncture. It's not something I've tried as the needle thing scares me off, but I've heard that it really isn't painful so maybe I'll try it sometime. Sounds like you found the right Dr. for you. That's wonderful!

  2. We like to walk the bike path very early. We saw a sweet family of deer quite a few times this past summer -- three does and two fawns. Last time we saw them, a buck had joined the group. Hard to believe all those deer live in the woods near Ellwood and the river.

    1. I'm jealous of your deer sightings! I'm always on the lookout for deer and darn it if the one time I saw one just standing and eating right near Ellwood House I had forgotten my camera. Your early walks sound nice and peaceful.

  3. Lovely pictures! I love taking pictures of the leaves and all of fall's prettiness! I was just out yesterday taking a few shots :) I'm your newest follower! Hope you have a great week!
    Hugs, Holly ~from {{ }}

    1. Hi Holly! Hope you have a great week too! Fall is such a beautiful season ... perfect for photo taking.

  4. Great shots of Autumn! We have been having some rather warm weather here haven't we, 70 today, maybe its indian summer? Im like you and take my camera everywhere I go! Keep up the good work on the bloggy.

    1. Awww thanks! Yes the weather has been really nice this week. I love Indian Summer! Have a great week!
