

Happy and Thankful

Today is a good day.  Our annual Holiday Open House was this past weekend and it was a wonderfully busy and happy event.  The moxie elves all worked so hard for the past 4 weeks getting the shop all gussied up for it's Holiday debut.  It warmed our elfin insides to see so many of you visit us at our party like many of you have been doing for the last 12 or so years.  Your loyalty, kindness, friendship and patronage to us and to the cause of shopping locally is simply wonderful.  It does not go unnoticed or unappreciated that's for sure.  This week we will be putting the shop back together again and putting out more items -- vintage and new.  

Don't forget to mark your calendars for our Moonlight Shopping Party.  This year it is on Friday Dec. 7th from 6 to 9 pm.  Dare I say this once a year event has become almost legendary for it's festive good times and attendance.  If you've been you know what I mean, and if you haven't you really need to try to make it this year.  Even the husbands love this event.  Do you think the wine, cheese, shrimp and veggies have anything to do with that??? Once again Mr. Moxie will be bar-tending and you know he's fun!  

The above image is a vintage postcard from my collection of ephemera.  I will try to use some of these gorgeous images from time to time.  Seems a shame to just keep them in a box.  I've got about 1000 vintage Christmas cards waiting for me to do something fabulous with.  I need more hours in the day!!  

Happy Thanksgiving week to you all.   I have so many things to be thankful for!  


  1. How awesome! I'm a big fan (natch!) of vintage Christmas cards and can't wait to see more of your terrific collection.

    ♥ Jessica

  2. I will try to do a post with some of my favorite cards sometime next week!
