

Snowflake Pyrex and Hedgehogs

I'm up early today baking cookies for our big Holiday Open House this weekend.  The house is empty and quiet.  No music or tv.  Just the sound of the mixer and my early morning random thoughts.  I like this time of day.  The husband has left already for his long commute to work and the neighborhood is quiet.  A perfect time to bake cookies (and to make a quick blog post).  Lots and lots of cookies.  Today I'm baking the Swedish Butterballs that I learned to make with my grandma Mimi.  She has long ago passed but my happy memories of baking with her as a young girl will always be with me.

I don't have any perfectly styled photos of a gorgeous looking plate of cookies to show you in this post as my cookies and kitchen aren't meant for photo ops.  Actually my kitchen looks like a flour barrel exploded in it and I think there are several random cookie dough plops stuck to the floor right now.  Not to mention the dirty bowls in the sink and the empty sugar and flour bags on the counter.  Let's just say no one is going to see this show on cable tv anytime soon.

So instead, I posted some photos of the shop.  I hope you all have a wonderful week!  Oh and if you are local I'd love to invite you to our Holiday Open House.  It is Sat Nov 17th 10 to 5 and Sun Nov 18th 10 to 4.


  1. Such sweet pictures! Love the vintage ornaments! :) Wish I was close enough to come to your open house, I'm a few hours away. Enjoy!! :) xo Holly

    1. I wish you were closer too! Have a great weekend!

  2. Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

  3. You had me at hedgehogs! :) No matter is real or fake, these quirky, endlessly cute little critters are one of my absolute all-time favourite animals. Love these little paste guys - too adorable for words, especially as part of a darling holiday display.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. awww thanks Jessica! I'm glad you share my love of adorable hedgehogs!
