

Sid Dickens Memory Blocks - The Latest Release

Going to the Atlanta gift show is always an exhausting but exciting event for me as a shop owner and buyer.  It is 4 days of non-stop shopping till you drop.  We walk and carry inventories and catalogs on our shoulders from 7 am until 7 or 8 pm.  Often our lunch is whatever chips or drinks we are offered in various showrooms as there never seems to be quite enough time available to actually sit down and eat. Atlanta is a huge market and it really takes a LOT of time to write enough orders to fill up our 8000 sq ft shop.  

This past week we attended the Atlanta show for our 25th time.  Mr. Moxie is kind enough to go to the show with me each and every time.  He is my rock.  He has more energy than anyone I've ever met and his energy keeps me going and motivated to hustle and cover every square inch of the show in 4 days.

  Gift buying isn't his thing.  He stands patiently by my side (which is NOT easy for a high energy person) as I peruse showroom after showroom looking for the best fits for moxie.  He doesn't mind the looking as much as he minds the sometimes painstakingly slow process of finding someone to take our order and hoping that their scanner will work.  You'd be surprised at how many showrooms have problems with their scanners and Mr. Moxie has been known to ask if he can see it and often gets it to work for them.  I guess it's all these years of looking over their shoulders as they use them that has taught him how they work.  Sometimes they are so relieved they just hand him the scanner and let him take the order.  I think he likes it.  Actually I know he likes it because he hates standing around more than anything. 

One showroom we look forward to seeing each show is Sid Dickens.  We have been stocking his beautiful memory blocks since 2000.  He never fails to amaze us with his art.  We are always excited to see his new release at every show.  This time I asked his team if we could snap a picture and they said yes of course.  So taaaa daaaaa!  The above photo shows the upcoming release which I believe they said would be shipping some time in March.  Aren't they gorgeous!  I'm in love with the peacock.  Such vibrant and striking colors.  Sid's showroom never takes us long as we simply take everything new that he has to offer and stock up on other tiles we love and we're good to go!  His team has really got it going on.  They are a well oiled machine.  We love that!


  1. Neat. The eye is a little creepy though, don't you think?

  2. Yes, I tend to like the prettier images the best but I wouldn't be surprised at all if the eye sold quickly as his designs that are edgier seem to sell the fastest. I just buy them all and then see what happens! Hope all is well with you Lynette!
