

classic cars

I have a crush on vintage cars and trucks.  Mostly the 40s thru the 60s.  It's been a great summer for spotting them. Seems like every weekend while out rummaging I run across 3 or 4 of them.  Sometimes I'm quick enough with my iphone to get a good snapshot.

Here are 4 of my recent favorites from my instagram stream.

My husband and I have a vintage 68 Mercedes that we keep stored waiting for the day that we have the time to fully restore it.  It sure will be fun to take it out when its spiffed up.

Hope your summer is going well.  Mine is flying by crazy fast and the next few weeks will be filled with receiving all of the goodies I ordered at gift shows and spending time with visiting friends.  I'm sad that July is over.  August always feels like summer is ending soon.  I'm like a little kid and wish that summer vacation could last forever.  sigh.

Do you instagram??  We are @moxiedekalb.  Hope you'll follow us as we share photos from our daily life and roadtrips.

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