

 Extended Holiday Hours:
Friday Dec. 20th -- 10 to 8
Saturday Dec. 21st 10 to 6
Sunday Dec. 22nd 11 to 5
Monday Dec. 23rd 10 to 8
Tues Dec. 24th 9 to 1
Closed Christmas Day
Stop in for service with a smile.  Leave with cute things all gift-bagged for you!  Easy peasy!!


Moonlight Party With Moxie in DeKalb

It's hard to believe it's that time of year again!  This Friday night December 6th, from 6 to 9 pm we will be hosting our most popular event of the year!  Moonlight with Moxie.  Shopping, festive music, twinkling lights, wine, cheese, veggies, hot cider and happy happy faces.  Join us won't you???

p.s…. don't for get the shop will close on Friday from 5pm to 6pm so the Moxie elves will have time to set up for the party. 


Merry Moxie to You!

 Well, we survived our Holiday Open House last weekend.  It was crazy busy and lots of fun!  Team Moxie gift bagged their booties off.  We got to see so many of the sweet faces that have been visiting us for almost 15 years and lots of new ones too!

The shop is all put back together and we are gearing up for our Moonlight Shopping Party that will be Friday December 6th from 6 to 9 pm.  It's our most popular event of the year … hope you can make it!
Hot items this year are anything vintage/one of a kind and jewelry in a variety of styles.
 This vintage snowman is so cute!
lots of cute ornaments for the tree
If you follow us on Facebook then you already know that we do Giveaway contests every week (they begin on Monday nights)  This weeks contest is for a letter art sign that you would design yourself.  If you don't follow us you should!  We post lots of photos of the latest and greatest as well as contests, pop up sales and coupon links.  

Hope that you all have a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving Day.  


Holiday Cheer at Moxie

 Moxie is all dressed up and ready for the party!!
 The shop is full and festive.  
 We are super excited for the Holiday Open House this Saturday and Sunday! The Holiday music is waiting, and we are ready to gift bag your finds so no wrapping will be necessary!
 Cookies are in the making and the cider will be spiced and toasty warm.  So come on in out of the cold and join us won't you?!??
We'd love to see you!!!!


14th Annual Holiday Open House at Moxie in DeKalb Illinois

It's the holidays ... that means PARTIES!!

This year team Moxie has two soirees planned.  Our 14th annual Holiday Open House and our ever-popular Moonlight Shopping Party.  

Join us Saturday Nov. 23rd 10am to 5pm and Sunday Nov. 24th 10am to 4pm for our Holiday Open House.  For these two days only, take 10% off everything in the shop

Of course there will be holiday music, homemade cookies, and happy faces.  So make your list and check it twice because this is where the fun starts, and the search for the perfect gift ends!

And ......... don't forget about our Moonlight Shopping Party, it's our MOST popular event of the year.  Friday, Dec. 6th gather your favorite pals and come out for shopping, goodies, and wine.  On that day, the shop will close at 5pm and reopen from 6pm to 9pm.  The pesto, shrimp, and chardonnay make this event too delicious to miss!

The shop is positively bursting at the seams with festive finds and gifts with personality.  So dash right in for service with a smile.  We look forward to seeing you!


Beauty and Peace at The Morton Arboretum

One of my newest favorite places is the Morton Arboretum in Lisle.  A place that we visited on field trips as a child but I had never been back to until recently.  It is about 45 minutes east of DeKalb but so worth the drive!  
 I purchased a yearly pass for the hubby and I.  50 dollars per person which is a deal if you plan on going daily, weekly, or even monthly because a single day's entry fee is $12.  We've been going weekly and have already saved money by having the membership card. 
 The Arboretum is so large that it will likely take us years to see it all.  But we've been having fun picking different spots to explore each time we go. 
Things were pretty frosty Friday morning but the sun was shining and there was some great Fall color still to be seen.
 If I remember correctly, this is a Miyabe Maple.  Isn't she pretty?
 Even the Arboretum carts look pretty with their red color against the brilliant yellow.
Happy November!


chasing squirrels and making merry

 That's what I've been up to lately.  Trying to take in brief moments of sun and Fall color when possible as a little break from the hectic 4 weeks of getting the shop all gussied up for the holidays.  Not much sun or Fall color this season but when it does show up it's fabulous.


all decked out

 The moxie elves have been working overtime to deck out the shop in merriness!!  
 When they finally throw themselves into their tiny beds at night they are covered in glitter.
Ruffled trees, tiny glass ornaments, sweet pixie faces ... oh my!


Getting All Spiffed Up For the Holiday Season

 We've been very busy getting the shop all ready for the Holiday season!  It is chock full of fun finds and tons of new vintage things.  We've just brought in over 40 fabulous vintage hats and about 20 great old purses.  We hope to have some dresses from the 50s out on the floor in the next week or two as well.  

The shop is all decked out in its glittery Holiday cuteness and we will post pictures of that any day now.  Check back to see what we've been busy doing!

p.s.  join us over on Facebook where we've been doing a weekly giveaway contest and showing pictures daily.


classic cars

I have a crush on vintage cars and trucks.  Mostly the 40s thru the 60s.  It's been a great summer for spotting them. Seems like every weekend while out rummaging I run across 3 or 4 of them.  Sometimes I'm quick enough with my iphone to get a good snapshot.

Here are 4 of my recent favorites from my instagram stream.

My husband and I have a vintage 68 Mercedes that we keep stored waiting for the day that we have the time to fully restore it.  It sure will be fun to take it out when its spiffed up.

Hope your summer is going well.  Mine is flying by crazy fast and the next few weeks will be filled with receiving all of the goodies I ordered at gift shows and spending time with visiting friends.  I'm sad that July is over.  August always feels like summer is ending soon.  I'm like a little kid and wish that summer vacation could last forever.  sigh.

Do you instagram??  We are @moxiedekalb.  Hope you'll follow us as we share photos from our daily life and roadtrips.


summer shopping and vacationing

Summer is going by so fast!!  I've been traveling lots and visiting with friends and family all the time!  Of course I manage to hit estate sales no matter where I'm at!  I've been super lucky this summer and had the great fortune to find lots of fabulous vintage treasures.  These items arrived today and this was last night's sunset.  I took it at about 9:15 over Lake Michigan.  Hope your summer is going great!

To see more photos of this weekends finds please pop on over to our facebook page ...



I'm finally trying to get back some blogging momentum after a hard 3 months of not feeling well.  I had a very weird severe allergy/auto-immune thing going on and now after eliminating tons of things from my diet (like wheat and sugar) I am feeling a bit better.  I've also changed out almost every chemical product in my house and I'm not sure I'll ever really  know the exact cause of my spiral into a highly allergic state but as a life long allergy sufferer I know that keeping away from as many harsh chemicals and foods that trigger me is my only real hope to keep my symptoms at bay.  I can't handle anti-histamines on a daily basis.  Even the non-drowsy ones knock me out.  So hope you forgive my lack of posts.  For now I'll just be doing some quicky ones as I try to get back into the rhythm of it all again.

Despite my not feeling well this Spring, team moxie carried on heroically as they always do and the shop is super full of really cute stuff.  We added so many new lines after our visits to the winter gift markets and now that I'm back on track I've been shopping my bootie off every weekend at the estate sales.  Lots of new and very unique vintage finds have been arriving several times a week.

I'm really looking forward to a fun memorial day weekend and hope you all have a great one too.  


what's new at the shop???

I've been doing a lot of what I love these past few weeks now that the weather has warmed up somewhat here in the midwest.  That is vintage shopping of course!  Here are a few things we dropped off at the shop this afternoon.  A full photo album of the rest of our weekend's finds can be found over on our Facebook page.

Hope you had a great weekend too!  


hello tiny glimpse of spring

It's been a long winter here in the Midwest.  I've been thinking Spring was going to be missed altogether this year.  Despite having some snow flurries yesterday, the sun did peek out today and the buds on the branches are coming to life.  I took advantage of the sun, while still wearing my winter coat and scarf, to take some photos of the budding branches.  

 I hope the sun was shining where you were today.  
The sun also made it more fun to take some photos.  My photos of late have been as gray as the skies and I love them to have more warmth and happy colors.  

 Have a happy week ....