

hello old friends

Um, it's been a long time since I've blogged.  The holiday season blew thru Moxie like a confetti filled whirlwind.  It's pretty much the same thing every year.  It starts out with the set up in October and then moves into November which is busy but manageable.  We make it thru our two big parties and still keep on ticking and then December 15th or somewhere thereabouts arrives and I don't know what the heck happens. It's a combination of the shop being REALLY busy (thank you!!) and our own personal lives needing massive attention to try to get all of our own family shopping, baking, wrapping done and you mix in working schedules that are ill-advised at best and wham..... weeks go by with no time for blogging.  Or maybe there was time, but in my case there was no energy left at 10 pm to do it! I wanted to do it.  I told myself I would do it.  And yet, it did not happen.  I'll try to forgive myself for not accomplishing the task but it won't be easy as I'm famous for my die trying personality. (also ill-advised).

Here is a super simple summary of what happened over the last few weeks ....

  • team moxie gift bagged their booties off
  • lots of fun happened with cute and sweet customers
  • re-decorated the shop daily to keep it looking good
  • noticed that our downtown is really hopping lately ... more shops than ever before!
  • managed to get all of my own gifts procured and wrapped in time.
  • hosted Christmas Day at my house without any cooking disasters ... yes!
  • snuck away for a 4 day New Year's retreat with mr. moxie to rest and rejuvenate before heading off to multiple back-to-back gift shows
  • non-stop planning, dreaming, and imagining in order to start out 2013 in the best possible way!
I am currently sitting amongst stacks of my inventories thinking about the past year and making plans for the new one.  One thing never changes and that is the gratitude I feel for my family, friends, staff and customers.  You each make this possible.  I couldn't imagine doing any of it on my own.  I really have the best support team in the world.  Thank  you, thank you, thank you!!

A little photo I took while on my winter retreat.  I enjoy serenity and quiet as much as I love the color, lights and whimsy of the holiday season.  It is nice to rest the mind and body after such a crazy three month retail period.  Good for my soul too.  There is nothing like a quiet walk in the woods with my dearest to just breathe and think and listen to the wind thru the pines.  It was just what I needed.  And now, the gift shows are almost here and I'll be heading off to far and wide to procure what I love and hope you all will too.  Wish me luck!  And wish me loads of energy too .... those gift shows are grueling!  And you thought shopping was all pure fun .... oh no, when you shop with Mr. Moxie, you shop till you drop (literally).  But he carries all the catalogs and after 12 years I've finally convinced him it's ok to stop and eat lunch.  Especially after I told him how a hangry wife (hungry + angry) is not a happy wife and as we ALL know, happy wife = happy life!!!!!!

I hope you all had a lovely holiday season and wish you all a healthy and happy New Year!