

Tyler Candle Giveaway

Me and the mister just arrived home from our trip to the Atlanta Gift Show.  Whew .... not the best trip we've ever had in terms of things going our way on the travel front but in terms of ordering up lots of goodies it was pretty darn fantastic!

I won't bore you with all of the gruesome travel complications but let's just say on Tuesday at 3pm we received an email from our 3 month in advance pre-booked hotel saying that they had to cancel our first nights reservation along with 200 hundred other gift show attendees.  Ok .... good thing we even read the email because usually days go by without checking emails and then we along with 199 others had to scramble to find a room (they offered us a room 20 minutes north of where we always stay) .... uh no!!!  Luckily Mr. Moxie was able to miraculously find a last minute cancellation at another hotel for the first night.  The replacement hotel was a claustrophobic tiny room with a saggy bed but at least we didn't end up sleeping in Centennial Park next to the water fountains.

We shopped til we dropped (literally) for 4 days and then today our travel experience was a bit rocky, smelly and annoying.  But then flying these days can be that on a good or bad day.  To sum up today  briefly.  The mister and I both got the pat down.  He got his bag searched.  Everyone boarded and buckled up only to be announced that there "was a problem with the plane", the young lad in the seat directly behind me pooped in his pants and the poor mother was trying to deal with that which as it turns out she had plenty of time to work on the situation at hand because we sat on the runway for another hour before taking off.  There were very odorous peeps in our near vicinity (in addition to sir poopy pants) and the aforementioned lad punished me and his super sweet mum the entire flight by kicking the back of my chair about every 15 seconds.  I thought she was going to break into tears at any moment so I gritted my teeth and did what any self-respecting traveller would do.  I took out my huge scarf and wrapped it over my eyes, mouth and ears and kept it there for the entire trip home as I hunched forward with my elbows to my ribcage and my hands resting over my ears in as close to the fetal position as I could manage in my little piece of real estate.  Before covering up completely I managed to squeak out the message to mr moxie .... I don't want anything.  Which is a little funny because looking back on the day I do remember seeing a little fear in his eyes as I said those 4 little words.  My interpretation of that fearful look would be him thinking  .... ut oh.  she doesn't want ANYTHING.  She doesn't want the 4 tiny pretzels in the little ridiculous bag.  She doesn't want water.  She doesn't want a sprite.  She's bouncing forward every 15 seconds.  It seriously smells like sh_t in here.  She's wrapping her entire head in a scarf .... oh my gawd ..... she's gonna blow!  I do recall at about an hour into my escape into the glorious darkness that was my scarf I could feel the mister putting his huge wool sweater over my right side as if to say .... here, have a part of me that might comfort you.  And even though I did not come out of the scarf at that moment, I did smile inside of the scarf.  It was hot and stinky in the plane and the sweater didn't really help but I kept it there because it came from a really sweet place.

We finally made it home and how sweet it was to walk into our front door!  I know my story is nothing compared to some travel nightmares I've heard of but it was enough to tire this gal out!

So back to the giveaway .... We received lots of fun samples and goodies from some of our generous vendors and we will be doing some fun little giveaways this week.  Today we are giving away 3 fabulous Tyler candle votives and an adorable votive holder to match.  We've carried Tyler candles for 8 years and they are awesome.

If you'd like to be entered in the giveaway please leave us a comment about this blog post or Tyler candles and we will pick a winner based on your comment number by using a random number generator on Wednesday January 16th.  Deadline for entry is Tuesday January 15th at 11:59 pm.  One winner will be chosen and announced here on the blog Wednesday.  Thanks!!

Want to see all the new and wonderful goods we found at the show as they start rolling in??  Then please follow us on Facebook as that is where we will post the photos as the goodies arrive.


  1. Sounds like you had a bit of a stressful trip.

    Great giveaway!
    The candles look gorgeous!


  2. What a fun set!

  3. WOW! Now, that's a travel story! Too bad you could not have little one of those little lovelies above on the plane - would detox the air & bring some sense of peace. Welcome home!

  4. Hi! Cool candles, I'd like to enter for the giveaway!

  5. If it makes you feel any better, the hubs and I trekked it to NC over Christmas with two cats, a rambunctious eight year old, a cranky nine month old and too much stuff crammed into a Toyota Camry. Lucky for me, I came down with a horrendous case of vertigo and felt the need to vomit the whole time. And yes, my favorite thing to do is discuss travel horror stories. For some reason, they make me laugh :)

  6. Loved your description of the plane flight:) the candles are perfect!


  7. Oh no! Travel mishaps are never fun! But winning free candles suree is! Hope I win!!!

    ~Mandy Parejko

  8. The mother of Sir Poopy Pants probably needs this candle more than I do. ;)

  9. What a creative way to "isolate" yourself from the situation. I, on other hand, am so "scent-sitive" I would need to just be sniffing the candle the whole time to change air in my space.
    Lori S

  10. sounds like you could have used one of the wonderful scents from a Tyler candle on your odorous flight! :) OY VEY! :)

  11. oh my sweet meep. as the world's worst air traveler, i can only empathize with your experience to the nth degree. (although i must admit, i laughed out loud, while reading the your recount.) and then, i went into the living room to read several segments aloud to jim and tristan.

    i love tyler candles, and sadly, the places that carried them locally have d/c'd them, or have gone out of business.

    miss you. bless your week. ab

  12. for candle giveaway! Thanks!

  13. Thank goodness you had a scarf to burrow into! Hopefully your next trip will be to a destination equally sunny, and your travel method less smelly.

    The tyler candles look beautiful and warm sugar cookie sounds like it would smell perfect! Gotta wonder what "high maintenance" smells like! -jen

  14. Pretty! :) for giveaway!

  15. I wonder if this is an international giveaway? I am from the USA.
    I have a Tyler candle in Apple Orchard, and it's one of the most fragrant candles, when lit, that I have ever had.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  16. sounds like every time I have ever flown!

  17. This is a great idea & the candles look cool too!;)

    1. Oh & the "Anonymous" above is but I don't knwo how to sign in these things!

  18. What a flying experience, I've only flown once and it was ok...wasn't my favorite! Lol. Lovely giveaway! :) xo Holly

  19. Good thing you had a scarf! LOL

    This is a trip you will not forget!

    I'm in for the candle giveaway ;)

    ps Can't wait for tomorrow's pop up sale

  20. I didn't even know you had a blog until today! I'll have to add this one to my list. :)

    1. Thanks Heather Lynn! Do you have a blog that I can add to my list??

  21. What wonderful candles! Would love to win and have a super reason for driving downtown DeKalb.
