

39 again

I wish that I could just have stayed put right at 39 years old but no, time does keep marching on.  Saturday I turned 46 but I can honestly say I don't feel a day over 45!  I like a pretty low key birthday.  I'm definitely not into birthday parties or fancy dinners so this year as always I went out for breakfast (my favorite meal to eat out) with my sweet mister and then headed off to some estate sales and vintage shops.  The vintage pickins were not too good but the breakfast was yummy and the company divine.

I must have been a somewhat good girl this year because I was lavished with gifts from my beloved friends and family in a manner fit for a queen.

I received:

  • a homemade, totally from scratch white cake with white frosting that was so delicious it made my stomach and my heart sing
  • a fresh fig candle that smells of a lovely greenhouse.  smelling it is making me dream even more of spring
  • super cute storage containers to keep my vintage buttons in.  my sister called them button bins and then I promptly shortened that to butt bins.  she set me up for that one ... what can I say, I'm pretty immature.  
  • a hand carved stamp from India that was purchased by a friend in India and came with the tales of seeing similar stamps in use to create fabric
  • a batch of the world's most delicious homemade red sauce that is prized in our house and hoarded until we make a batch of lasagna or some other delicious dinner
  • a gift certificate to Townhouse Books cafe ... this is a favorite lunch getaway spot for me and husband.
  • a hysterical and operatic singing of happy birthday via a phone message from minnesota ... an award winning performance that will linger in my mind for months!
  • the cutest tote bag featuring a fit and flare illustration reminiscent of a Dior couture dress
  • a scrump-dilly-ishous cheese souffle and corn pudding straight from the oven of the world's sweetest and kindest woman
  • the funniest stuffed animal ground hog and ground hog's day book.  I laughed so hard I almost cried when I unpacked the stuffed animal from the shipping box.  It was so unexpected yet so appropriate for a girl who get's to share a birthday with the ground hog.
  • the new Willie Nelson cd .... so fabulous!
  • handmade bookmarks, itunes cards, a butcher shop gift card 
  • a hand delivered piece of the world's most delicious tiramisu from La Dolce Vita in Lemont.  
After this embarrassment of riches I could only think and feel one thing.  I'm NOT worthy.  It's hard to feel worthy of the love and affection I receive on a daily basis from my friends and family.  I only hope and I literally pray that I can be half as good to them as they are to me.  My family and friends are the truest gift in my life.  Not only did they make my birthday great, but they make every day great.


  1. Happy Birthday Megan, I hope you have a great next year!

    1. Thanks Robyn! I wish you a really great year too!

  2. Happy late birthday. Ah, to be 46 again! You spring chicken, you.

  3. Thanks for calling me a spring chicken .... I'll keep telling myself that!

  4. Happy belated Birthday!! Enjoy your week!! xx Holly

  5. Hey, Megan. I really love your blog and your birthday gifts. Townhouse Books and Cafe is one of my favorites too, discovered when my daughter was living in St. Charles. I really need help with this blog thing, having to send this comment in under anonymous since I haven't set up an account under any of the others listed. Anyway, sounds like a great birthday for one of my favorite people.

    Susan Z

    1. Hi Susan! I'm very honored that you like my blog and I'm not surprised that you like Townhouse Books and Cafe too .... you've got great taste! I hope to see you soon! If you google "google profile for commenting on blogs" it might lead you to a tutorial on how to create one. But anonymous works too! If I knew exactly what you should do I would tell you. I just google my questions and usually can figure out something eventually. I hope you figure it out. Hugs, Megan
