

Out my windows

I peek out my front window and I see a snow covered weeping cherry tree.  Bob and I purchased a pair of these at the Kane County Flea about 17 years ago.  I thought they looked like umbrellas ( I have a weird fascination for umbrellas) and my hubby loves anything tree or plant related so he was totally onboard with the purchase.   I remember that the trees were $115 each.  We could have gotten a lot of funnel cakes and corn dogs for that $230 but instead we now have these diminutive quirky trees in our yard that we've been told to let grow long to the  ground (by a landscaper) yet my guy always trims them up into umbrellas because it makes me happy. 
Last saturday as we drove off to have my birthday breakfast I spotted this cool old truck in the lane besides us.  I excitedly whipped out the iphone and tried to get a good snapshot.  There was a bit of ... speed up, slow down, go faster, no, no, you're going too fast, hurry the other car is getting in my way, darn my sideview mirror won't get out of my way, ok perfect I think I got it.  Probably sounds like we were a menace to the road but I can assure you my husband is an excellent driver.  How do I know, because he tells me he is all the time.  
I always enjoy the view from my home office window.  Our house is in an old historic neighborhood and the majestic towering pines that surround it are most likely older than our house which was built in 1898. My office is tiny but it doesn't really feel that way.  It feels cozy and has two windows which let the light and the view flood in.  My office is in what was once the maid's room.  It is right next to the servant's staircase.  I serve myself to a treat when I fly down the back stairs and land in the kitchen.  
This view is out of our bedroom.  You can't see it now but there is a gorgeous old house right across the street.  I love living in an old neighborhood.  I find it comforting to be around things that have a history.  I've just always been drawn to old stuff.  If only the walls could talk.  I'd love to listen to what they'd have to say. 


  1. Hasn't this been just the prettiest snow ever? On Thursday, I could hardly work -- just wanted to watch the snow falling outside my window. Magical.

    1. I totally agree! I love when the snow first falls and everything is quiet and white. It is magical!

  2. Great pictures! Such a winter wonderland!

  3. Sounds like your guy is the perfect, understanding and supportive to your creativity type of driver. Does that make sense? Well, what I mean is that when I have those same moments "hurry up, no, slow down!" my guy refuses to ever oblige because he is too safe of a driver, oh and a stick in the mud. That's where my friend comes in handy. She's glad to peel out, do U-turns, go airborne or even come to a screeching halt for my demands. I love road trips but you can guess who wins out as my partner of choice.

    1. You've gotta have friends like that. They make junking so much more fun! I've got friends just like that too. I'm usually driving with them but they never complain. They just grip the dashboard and squeal a little.
